Sesión especial del Consejo de la OCDE, con la intervención de Su Majestad el Rey, que, con sus palabras, quiso destacar “…We are genuinely and widely proud of our EU membership, proud of its drive to maintain an open autonomous strategy, as of its will to maintain and nurture our strong transatlantic ties, which we work to enhance and even like to look at with a wider perspective... this is both proof and consequence of our deep belief in democracy and human rights. So we are also proud of defending the common values they carry; proud of being a welcoming and friendly country to all those who want to enjoy our modern infrastructures, our historical heritage, modern communications and transports systems, our climate and our quality of life. All of this is a true blessing, but it also owes much to hard work and certainly comes with responsibilities we do not elude, towards our friends and allies, and to the international community... to address those responsibilities effectively while defending our legitimate ambitions, and to expect other nations to do the same −in this growingly complex, uncertain and interdependent world−, we strongly believe that the best way is to work constructively though and with multilateral institutions... therefore, you cannot be surprised to hear from me today, as Head of State, that Spain is deeply proud to be an active member of the OECD, always committed to better policies for better lives…”