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Palabras de Su Majestad el Rey en la recepción en honor de Sus Majestades los Reyes de los Países Bajos

Países Bajos, 18.04.2024

Good afternoon / Goedemiddag,

There could be few better places to end this ditch journey than this impressive centre of creativity. I would like to begin by expressing again ─but with even more good reasons─, my deepest gratitude for the warm reception extended to us, during our State visit to the Netherlands. It has been a true pleasure to be here once more, among the friends.

This visit has served to symbolize and reinforce the outstanding relations between our respective nations and people. The whole of it has been truly enriching and rewarding, as we’ve had the opportunity to carry out a comprehensive program focusing on some of those issues and areas of interest to both countries, bringing us closer together and encouraging us to continue working together.

"...This visit has served to symbolize and reinforce the outstanding relations between our respective nations. The whole journey has been truly enriching and rewarding, as we have had the opportunity to carry out a comprehensive program focusing on some of those issues and areas of interest to both countries, bringing us closer together and encouraging us to continue working together..."

During our stay, we have addressed a broad spectrum of topics, ranging from social integration —through sporting and creative initiatives, represented by institutions like the Cruyff Foundation or LAB6—, to endeavors in space cooperation and our shared dedication to the fostering of a sustainable circular economy.

Our interactions within the business sector and dialogues among our main think tanks have underscored the depth and vitality of our economic ties, framed within a very challenging geopolitical context. These deliberations have no doubt contributed to the constant exploration of innovative solutions to contemporary challenges, such as the economic and financial conditions ahead of us, the need for cleaner, greener, cheaper and safer energy, our commitment to decarbonize our industrial base and fulfil our environmental objectives..., our competitiveness, or our present and critical concerns for both security and social cohesion.

This evening, our intense and fruitful visit comes to an end; and it does so in an exceptional setting where we have connected with the artistic expressions of the new generations. And it has been possible thanks to the amazing DUO exhibition, in which 5 Spanish and 5 Dutch artists have collaborated to create 10 new murals exploring the cultural relationship between our countries. This original initiative, along with the Amsterdam Spanish Film Festival at landed by Queen Maxima and Queen Letizia —which this year celebrates a very special 10 th  edition—, demonstrates the consolidated and growing importance that Spanish culture is gaining in this country.

Therefore, I raise my glass in a toast to Yours Majesties and Real Family, to your Excellences, to the beloved people of the Netherlands, and to the enduring friendship between our nations, which grows stronger every day.

Cheers! Proost!

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Palabras de S.M. el Rey en la recepción en honor de SS.MM. los Reyes de los Países Bajos

Viatges Oficials

Viaje de Estado de Sus Majestades los Reyes al Reino de los Países Bajos
Sus Majestades los Reyes junto a Sus Majestades los Reyes de los Países Bajos; Su Alteza Real la Princesa Catalina Amalia de Orange; Su Alteza Real la Princesa Beatriz; y Su Alteza Real la Princesa MargaritaPaíses Bajos, 16.4.2024/18.4.2024