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Palabras de Su Majestad el Rey en el almuerzo con el viceprimer Ministro de los Países Bajos

Países Bajos, 18.04.2024

Mr. Deputy Prime Minister,
I would like to thank you for your hospitality and for this luncheon during our State Visit to the Netherlands. You host us (my delegation and myself) in this impressive landmark, the Binnenhof, the very centre of Dutch political life. I had the honour of visiting this complex with Queen Letizia on our first official visit to the Netherlands in 2014.

As I had the pleasure of sharing yesterday in my remarks at the State Banquet in Amsterdam, our deep bonds —historical, personal, cultural, economic and social—, grant us a great opportunity to benefit from our unique relationship as true friends. For Spain, the Netherlands constitute a precious ally and a much-valued European partner.

These strong ties continue to deepen, enriched not only by the level of exchanges in a wide array of areas, but also by the growing cooperation and convergence of positions in many more.

We feel particularly optimistic and satisfied by the large scope of contacts between our respective societies, the dynamic growth of our bilateral trade and investments, and the interest in our language and culture. There is no better evidence of this strength than the rising number of citizens and families ─of all sorts─, from each country that visit or live in Spain and the Netherlands. 

"...the core aim of this visit is to enhance this relationship even further, and to take it to a broader dimension. We have no doubt that both countries are fit and willing to work hand in hand in an increasingly large number of fields..."

However, the core aim of this visit is to enhance this relationship even further, and to take it to a broader dimension. We have no doubt that both countries are fit and willing to work hand in hand in an increasingly large number of fields, and particularly towards a full and effective green and digital transitions, not only for the betterment of our societies but for the most efficient and versatile progress of the EU as a whole.

The visit of HM the King Willem-Alexander to Spain in June 2023 (in which you led yourself the accompanying delegation), has set the standard for the level of ambition with which both countries pledge to strengthen our ties.

Mr. Deputy Prime Minister,
As members of the EU and NATO, the NED and ESP stand firm and committed to ensure a more united, safe and autonomous EU at the service of peace, stability, prosperity, and sustainability. In this regard, I truly believe that we are both confident and capable (and with other allies and members) of creating the necessary conditions to achieve this. Moreover, I even see our two countries leading many initiatives together within the Union and worldwide. We are well aware and appreciate your commitment and dedication to those values and objectives.

The recent Spanish presidency of the EU Council is proof, once again, of how far we can aim when two countries like Spain and the Netherlands work hand in hand on substantial matters.

In this spirit, Deputy Prime Minister, I raise my glass to the health and wellbeing of HM King Willem-Alexander, to yours, and to the ever-increasing and prosperous relations between the Netherlands and Spain on every level, and the sincere friendship between our peoples.
SALUD! Proost!

Thank you. Dank u well.

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Interveción del Rey en el almuerzo de trabajo con el viceprimer ministro de los Países Bajos

Viatges Oficials

Viaje de Estado de Sus Majestades los Reyes al Reino de los Países Bajos
Sus Majestades los Reyes junto a Sus Majestades los Reyes de los Países Bajos; Su Alteza Real la Princesa Catalina Amalia de Orange; Su Alteza Real la Princesa Beatriz; y Su Alteza Real la Princesa MargaritaPaíses Bajos, 16.4.2024/18.4.2024