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Palabras de Su Majestad el Rey en la cena en honor de Su Majestad la Reina de Dinamarca

Glyptoteca. Copenhague. Dinamarca, 07.11.2023

Mange tak.  I would like to thank you, on Queen Letizia and my own behalf, for the generous hospitality that Your Majesty and the Royal Family; the Danish authorities and the Danish people, have shown us on this State visit.

Tomorrow, after visiting the Danish Architecture Center to discuss  “smart cities” and sustainable urbanism, of which CPH and Denmark are excellent examples, this visit ends… with an always very special moment of our visits abroad: that is when we meet with members of the Spanish community established here in Denmark. Indeed a very important part of what builds on solid ground our growing knowledge and interest for each other, and of what helps us understand our common concerns and aspirations in the EU.

Over these past two days, we have witnessed the extraordinary vitality of your country, the enormous kindness of its people and, of course, the strength of past and present ties between us, which −I am certain− will continue to bind us and help us sail into the future.

"...Over these past two days, we have witnessed the extraordinary vitality of your country, the enormous kindness of its people and, of course, the strength of past and present ties between us, which −I am certain− will continue to bind us and help us sail into the future. ..."

Government and Parliamentary authorities have graciously received us, giving us the opportunity to discuss matters of great interest to both our countries, and not only of a bilateral nature.

We have visited City Hall with Copenhagen’s Lord Mayor, taken part in a business forum in which so much was shared that shows the many areas of collaboration between Danish and Spanish companies and the joint projects that are being carried out. So much potential for working together even more with an EU perspective and the world as our objective. We have also learned about projects in the sphere of health, research and the teaching of the Spanish language in Denmark.

Lastly, this afternoon, it gave us great pleasure to inaugurate, at this exceptional museum that hosts us, an exhibition of the great Spanish painter Joaquín Sorolla, a magnificent display of Spanish art which will, without question, delight and intrigue the Danish public.

For all these reasons, I can assure you that Queen Letizia and I will return to Spain with wonderful memories of this State visit.

Allow me to praise and thank all those involved in preparing and conducting this visit. Not easy to cover so much in such a start period of time; well done!

In the hope that we will continue to strengthen our ties and mutual understanding, and as an expression of the profound affection existing between our families, our governments and our peoples, allow me to raise my glass in a toast to Your Majesty and Your family, and to the solid ties of friendship between Denmark and Spain.

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Palabras de S.M. el Rey en la cena en honor de S.M. la Reina de Dinamarca

Viatges Oficials

Viaje de Estado de Sus Majestades los Reyes al Reino de Dinamarca
Sus Majestades los Reyes junto a Su Majestad la Reina Margarita y los Príncipes HerederosCopenhague. Dinamarca, 6.11.2023/8.11.2023