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Palabras de S. M. el Rey en el Parlamento de Dinamarca

Parlamento de Dinamarca. Copenhague. Dinamarca, 07.11.2023

Mr Speaker,
Thank you for your kind words. I feel truly honoured by this warm welcome.

On this State Visit, of great significance for bilateral relations between Denmark and Spain, I take great privilege −and I value− this unique opportunity to pay my respects to you and the institution you represent, The Folketing. It is always particularly relevant, due to the crucial importance the role of Parliament has, at the heart of Danish democracy.

Our two countries are both parliamentary monarchies, and social and democratic States founded on the rule of law.

In Denmark, as in Spain, Parliament is the cornerstone of the political system: it represents the people, enacts legislation /legislates, adopts/approves/sanctions Government budgets, and maintains scrutiny over Government actions.

"...les reitero mi agradecimiento por su hospitalidad y mi deseo sincero de que nuestros países continúen progresando, impulsando el proyecto democrático europeo y actuando como promotores de la paz y la seguridad internacional..."

The duties you discharge at the service of the fundamental principles underpinning our legal systems —freedom, justice, equality, solidarity and welfare— are decisive to our democratic systems and therefore worthy of the highest recognition.

Spain has a longstanding parliamentary tradition, dating back to the 1st parliament (Cortes) in the Kingdom of León, which was established in 1188 under the reign of Alfonso IX. 10 years ago, UNESCO recognized The Decrees of León as the oldest documented manifestation of the European parliamentary system. That UNESCO should recognize León as the birthplace of European parliamentarianism is something of which we are truly proud.

Denmark, for its part, is a long-established, dynamic and progressive democracy that has consistently demonstrated an enormous capability to adapt and be foresighted in addressing difficult challenges presented by the complex societies of our times. I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate you on the 70th anniversary of your Constitution, this past 5 June, the date on which, each year, Denmark celebrates its democracy.

Both as fellow members of the EU and as NATO allies, Danes and Spaniards alike are unwavering in our determination to overcome the challenges of today’s complex world. It is with that same spirit that we contribute towards building the European project and to defending international law.

Mr Speaker, Members of Parliament,
I would like to thank you once again for your hospitality and to commend your crucial work. I place great trust in the strength of the relationship between Spain and Denmark, and have no doubt that our countries will continue to move forward politically, economically and socially, being champions of European democracy and working hard and to foster international peace and security.

Thank you very much.

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Palabras de S.M. el Rey en el Parlamento de Dinamarca

Viatges Oficials

Viaje de Estado de Sus Majestades los Reyes al Reino de Dinamarca
Sus Majestades los Reyes junto a Su Majestad la Reina Margarita y los Príncipes HerederosCopenhague. Dinamarca, 6.11.2023/8.11.2023