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Palabras de S. M. el Rey en el encuentro Empresarial "Foro Empresarial España-Dinamarca"

Hotel NH Collection Copenhague. Dinamarca, 07.11.2023

Thank you very much for this warm welcome to Denmark. I believe all of you know that for the Queen and myself, Denmark has a special meaning; we keep particular links with your country and with the Royal Family. Thank you, Y.R.Highness, for your company this morning, for your personal involvement in this visit and all the kind attentions we have received.

Many thanks also to the organizers of this Business Forum, focused on the economic transition to carbon neutrality. One of the main social concerns of our time −that is both urgent and will certainly last−, is precisely climate change. In this respect, I believe Spanish and Danish companies are well aware of their responsibility in how to manage this economic transition.

Denmark and Spain are two countries that share the same values and principles of respect and solidarity. We are committed to human dignity, freedom, democracy, equality, the rule of law and the respect for human rights. These are essentially values that as Europeans we need to help uphold and work harder to extend or spread increasingly to the rest of the world.

Danish and Spanish companies clearly exercise their ambition and dynamism. They are well known for that. This positions them as key partners for the advancement of strategic European objectives. Together we can highlight the particular one of reaching European climate neutrality by 2050. Indeed, our energy transition strategies are designed to achieve this target.

The fluent and excellent relationship between Denmark and Spain allows us to cooperate intensely and effectively in this field. In fact, both countries are nowadays leading the European clean energy sector. An array of Danish and Spanish enterprises are among those heading the way in the development of green and innovative energy infrastructures. Some of them are here today. 

Exploiting the synergies between both countries can certainly accelerate decarbonization. I know that you are going to discuss about the important Power-to-X technology later. The commitment of our countries to advance this technology, along with our potential in renewable energy generation, will allow us to become one of the top European exporters of green hydrogen. This proves once again our great potential in this field, and it should make us take steps to develop closer cooperation and even joint projects.

"...More and more Spanish companies are participating in major public tenders for infrastructure construction projects, often hand in hand with Danish companies. Iconic projects such as the Femern Tunnel, which will connect Germany and Denmark through an 18 km long underwater tunnel, rely on Spanish companies too... Works such as the Odense tramway or the supply of trains to the Danish state railway operator are examples of fruitful collaboration and mutual trust between two countries that know how to understand each other and bring out the best in each other... As I said at the beginning, Denmark and Spain share values and a common view of the future, for Europe and for the world..."

Ladies and gentlemen,
Spain has some important companies in the energy sector doing research and investing in order to develop the Power-to-X technology. Indeed, some of our top companies are working hard on the green hydrogen energy sector. 

The interest on hydrogen also relates strongly to the progressive decarbonisation of other sectors that have historically used this element in their production processes or see it as an alternative fuel to fossils. Examples of this are the pharmaceutical, the chemical or the transport and logistics industries as well as the sustainable urban development infrastructures. Additionally, plenty of enterprises in these sectors are highly committed to achieving net zero emissions across their entire value chain by 2045.

On the other hand, Danish companies are already collaborating in relevant projects with Spanish companies. Denmark's commitment to Power-to-X technology to support the decarbonisation of the Nordic country is clear.

Allow me to also mention that more and more Spanish companies are participating in major public tenders for infrastructure construction projects, often hand in hand with Danish companies. Iconic projects such as the Femern Tunnel, which will connect Germany and Denmark through an 18 km long underwater tunnel, rely on Spanish companies too.

Works such as the Odense tramway or the supply of trains to the Danish state railway operator are examples of fruitful collaboration and mutual trust between two countries that know how to understand each other and bring out the best of each other.

As I said at the beginning, Denmark and Spain share values and a common view of the future, for Europe and for the world. The knowledge and experience gained during these years will be key to advance the integration of our societies. The development of new projects, particularly in sectors considered strategic for both countries such as renewable energies, will strengthen our economic and trade relations as partners and allies.

I would like to finish my words by emphasizing the need to increase our economic and commercial cooperation at all levels. This business meeting represents an opportunity for our countries and companies to strengthen ties, to drive innovation even further, and to do so together in the years to come. Therefore, I would like to wish you very fruitful following sessions.

Thank you very much.

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Palabras de S.M. el Rey en el encuentro empresarial España-Dinamarca

Viatges Oficials

Viaje de Estado de Sus Majestades los Reyes al Reino de Dinamarca
Sus Majestades los Reyes junto a Su Majestad la Reina Margarita y los Príncipes HerederosCopenhague. Dinamarca, 6.11.2023/8.11.2023